Wednesday, February 13, 2013

From the begining

Though our son wasn't planned, and we weren't married, I knew that after holding my little man for the first time, that everything would fall into place and it was ment to be.

It was 2011. I was 22 years old when I found out that we were expecting. The feelings I had were happy, scared, nervous, and sad. Happy because I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with my sons father and that it wasn't with some random person. This man was my best friend and had been since we were 8. I knew that he was going to be there for us through everything. Scared because I was still living at home, I had dropped out of college, and I had a crappy job, how were we ever going to take care of a baby? Nervous because I didn't know what to expect. It helped that I had friends that already had babies. They were there for me, to tell me what was normal and give me support when my love wasn't because he was scared as well. Sad because it was the end of my child days, yes I know my child days ended at 18yrs but they really don't end till you have to take the responsibility of someone else's life. Even adults can be childish with their drinking and partying... well all that was over for me. I now had someone else I had to give everything to all of my attention, my love, and my money... 

After my son was born everything changed. He was a healthy 7 1/2 lbs baby that was born by c-section. I opted for the c-section because I had been in labor for 17 1/2 hours. That's almost a whole day of exercise for my uterus and I just couldn't take it anymore. I never thought that a c-section would be that bad... but now I wish that I had him naturally. Not only do I have a not so straight scar across my stomach but it's never going to look the same to me.... flat like it use to be... NEVER. It's been hard for me to overcome that thought.. selfish I know.
His whole first year was a blur... let me tell you the first couple of months were HARD. Every new parent gets that crazy feeling that every little thing that is wrong with their newborn was life threatening...we knew that something was wrong with our son... none of his doctors could figure it out. He was develping on track. Gaining weight, but after ever bottle he took he puked... I'm not talking just a bit of spit up I'm talking almost 2 ft of projectile vommiting. It was scary.. finally they told us that he had acid reflux and that he would grow out of it... was a scarry moment for us because one of his doctors diagnosed him with something else that required surgery, so we had to have a second opionion. He did eventually grow out of it.
On july 28th of last year I married skylar's daddy and we have had a great marriage and we couldn't be any happier.

On december 5th he celebrated his 1st birthday... which leads me onto the present. . .

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